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Not-So-Spooky Cookies

Cookie Cutter Cookie Recipe


2 cups All-Purpose Flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup butter, softened OR 60% vegetable oil spread, such as Parkay or Wegman's

1 egg

1 Tbs. milk

1 teas vanilla


1) Set butter and egg out to bring to room temperature.* If using buttery spread, set out only the egg.

2) In a small bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside. Lay out a large piece of plastic-about the size of a 9" x 13" pan.

3) In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat sugar and butter (or spread) until light and fluffy. Beat in egg, milk, and vanilla.

4) Gradually, so as not to have it go poof all over your kitchen, add flour mixture until a soft dough forms. You may have to stop your mixer and use your hands to scoop up all the little bits into the ball.

5) Shape into a disc and wrap in the plastic wrap you have so wisely set close by. Chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

6) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

7) On a lightly floured surface, roll out to about 1/4" thickness. Cut out your shapes. Place on ungreased cookie sheets.

8) Bake for 6-8 minutes, until just brown around the edges. Transfer immediately to a wire rack. Cool completely.

9) Decorate as desired.

*This can be done the night before you intend to bake.. Yes, it's safe. Honest, I wouldn't try to poison you.

Cookie Frosting


1-2 Tbs. milk

1 1/2 teas. vanilla

1/3 cup butter or 60% oil buttery spread

3 cups powdered sugar aka confectioner's sugar

Food coloring

Candy corn, edible googly eyes, and any other kind of candy you can use in your decorations.


1) In a medium bowl, using an electric mixer, blend powder sugar and butter using low speed.**

2) Stir 1 Tbs. of milk and vanilla. Gradually add, a few drops at a time, just enough of remaining milk, until desired consistency.***

3) Divide frosting into small bowls, the number of which depends on how many colors you're using. Add food coloring for desired colors.

4) Frost your cookies, then decorate. Use your imagination and have fun!

**Of course, you may use the high speed if you want to redecorate your kitchen walls in a powdery white texture :-)

***Just what does "desired consistency" mean? You want it to be spreadable, not chunky or runny. Test it by taking a small bit on a knife and spreading it on a plate. Hold up the plate. If it starts running down the plate, add a tablespoon or two of powdered sugar. If it's chunky, add a few drops of milk. I don't know any other way of learning this except by trial and error. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.

Helpful Hints

First off, my disclaimer: I am not a world-class baker. (Or a world-class anything, for that matter.) I wouldn't even describe myself as a good baker. I get by.

Sooo. . .why on earth would I share this online???

The answer is simple: Even with all my mistakes, and non-perfect decorations, everyone who eats these cookies raves about them. Honestly.

No, they're not going to win any baking awards. And I've seen kids on Food Network shows who can decorate better than I.

But, I'm not baking for any judges except my family and friends. And they like them. So, I'm sharing them with you so you, too, can bask in the same bright sunshine that my family and friends beam on me when eating these cookies.

Now on to the helpful hints.

1) WARNING: These cookies take time. Do not expect to do these in an hour or so. Plan on at least and hour and a half for baking, and anywhere from 2-3 hours decorating, depending on your skill and how elaborate you want to make them. I usually do the baking one day, and the decorating the next.

(I'll let you in on a secret: Sometimes, I don't even decorate them because my husband likes them plain. That's how yummy they are.)

2) You can get cookie cutters at just about any grocery store, Walmart, Target or on Amazon. I use this same recipe for Christmas, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day and Easter cookies. I've even made Longhorn cookies and NBA Spurs players. (I used a gingerbread recipe for some of the players.)

3) After frosting the cookies, I dip a knife in a glass of water and slide it over the frosted cookie to try to even out the frosting.

4) An easy way to pipe the frosting for outlining or making faces is to fill a small plastic baggie with your frosting, cut a tiny corner off on one end and squeeze out the frosting. I suggest trying it on wax paper or a plate to get the hang of it.

5) Allow to sit on the counter for 2-3 hours to dry completely before handling or packaging. These cookies also make great gifts. People love the time and effort you put into making them, plus they're just yummy!

6) These are a great family project. Allow the kids to decorate their own, their way. Most importantly, they do not have to be perfect--have fun!!!

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